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Type Aliases



Type Aliases

AccountBalancePair: { address: PublicKey; lamports: number }

Pair of an account address and its balance

Type declaration

AccountChangeCallback: ((accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer>, context: web3.Context) => void)

Type declaration

AccountInfo<T>: { data: T; executable: boolean; lamports: number; owner: PublicKey; rentEpoch?: number }

Information describing an account

Type Parameters

  • T

Type declaration

  • data: T

    Optional data assigned to the account

  • executable: boolean

    true if this account's data contains a loaded program

  • lamports: number

    Number of lamports assigned to the account

  • owner: PublicKey

    Identifier of the program that owns the account

  • Optional rentEpoch?: number

    Optional rent epoch info for account

AccountKeysFromLookups: LoadedAddresses
AccountMeta: { isSigner: boolean; isWritable: boolean; pubkey: PublicKey }

Account metadata used to define instructions

Type declaration

  • isSigner: boolean

    True if an instruction requires a transaction signature matching pubkey

  • isWritable: boolean

    True if the pubkey can be loaded as a read-write account.

  • pubkey: PublicKey

    An account's public key

AccountsModeBlockResponse: VersionedAccountsModeBlockResponse

A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the transactionDetails mode is accounts

AddressLookupTableAccountArgs: { key: PublicKey; state: AddressLookupTableState }

Type declaration

AddressLookupTableState: { addresses: PublicKey[]; authority?: PublicKey; deactivationSlot: bigint; lastExtendedSlot: number; lastExtendedSlotStartIndex: number }

Type declaration

  • addresses: PublicKey[]
  • Optional authority?: PublicKey
  • deactivationSlot: bigint
  • lastExtendedSlot: number
  • lastExtendedSlotStartIndex: number
AdvanceNonceParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; noncePubkey: PublicKey }

Advance nonce account system instruction params

Type declaration

  • authorizedPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the nonce authority

  • noncePubkey: PublicKey

    Nonce account

AllocateParams: { accountPubkey: PublicKey; space: number }

Allocate account system transaction params

Type declaration

  • accountPubkey: PublicKey

    Account to allocate

  • space: number

    Amount of space in bytes to allocate

AllocateWithSeedParams: { accountPubkey: PublicKey; basePubkey: PublicKey; programId: PublicKey; seed: string; space: number }

Allocate account with seed system transaction params

Type declaration

  • accountPubkey: PublicKey

    Account to allocate

  • basePubkey: PublicKey

    Base public key to use to derive the address of the allocated account

  • programId: PublicKey

    Public key of the program to assign as the owner of the allocated account

  • seed: string

    Seed to use to derive the address of the allocated account

  • space: number

    Amount of space in bytes to allocate

AssignParams: { accountPubkey: PublicKey; programId: PublicKey }

Assign system transaction params

Type declaration

  • accountPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the account which will be assigned a new owner

  • programId: PublicKey

    Public key of the program to assign as the owner

AssignWithSeedParams: { accountPubkey: PublicKey; basePubkey: PublicKey; programId: PublicKey; seed: string }

Assign account with seed system transaction params

Type declaration

  • accountPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the account which will be assigned a new owner

  • basePubkey: PublicKey

    Base public key to use to derive the address of the assigned account

  • programId: PublicKey

    Public key of the program to assign as the owner

  • seed: string

    Seed to use to derive the address of the assigned account

AuthorizeNonceParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; newAuthorizedPubkey: PublicKey; noncePubkey: PublicKey }

Authorize nonce account system transaction params

Type declaration

  • authorizedPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the current nonce authority

  • newAuthorizedPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key to set as the new nonce authority

  • noncePubkey: PublicKey

    Nonce account

AuthorizeStakeParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; custodianPubkey?: PublicKey; newAuthorizedPubkey: PublicKey; stakeAuthorizationType: StakeAuthorizationType; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

Authorize stake instruction params

Type declaration

AuthorizeVoteParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; newAuthorizedPubkey: PublicKey; voteAuthorizationType: VoteAuthorizationType; votePubkey: PublicKey }

Authorize instruction params

Type declaration

AuthorizeVoteWithSeedParams: { currentAuthorityDerivedKeyBasePubkey: PublicKey; currentAuthorityDerivedKeyOwnerPubkey: PublicKey; currentAuthorityDerivedKeySeed: string; newAuthorizedPubkey: PublicKey; voteAuthorizationType: VoteAuthorizationType; votePubkey: PublicKey }

AuthorizeWithSeed instruction params

Type declaration

AuthorizeWithSeedStakeParams: { authorityBase: PublicKey; authorityOwner: PublicKey; authoritySeed: string; custodianPubkey?: PublicKey; newAuthorizedPubkey: PublicKey; stakeAuthorizationType: StakeAuthorizationType; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

Authorize stake instruction params using a derived key

Type declaration

AuthorizedVoter: Readonly<{ authorizedVoter: PublicKey; epoch: number }>
BlockProduction: Readonly<{ byIdentity: Readonly<Record<string, ReadonlyArray<number>>>; range: Readonly<{ firstSlot: number; lastSlot: number }> }>

recent block production information

BlockResponse: { blockTime: number | null; blockhash: Blockhash; parentSlot: number; previousBlockhash: Blockhash; rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]; transactions: { meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: { message: Message; signatures: string[] }; version?: TransactionVersion }[] }

A processed block fetched from the RPC API

Type declaration

  • blockTime: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the block was processed

  • blockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block

  • parentSlot: number

    Slot index of this block's parent

  • previousBlockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block's parent

  • Optional rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]

    Vector of block rewards

  • transactions: { meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: { message: Message; signatures: string[] }; version?: TransactionVersion }[]

    Vector of transactions with status meta and original message

BlockSignatures: { blockTime: number | null; blockhash: Blockhash; parentSlot: number; previousBlockhash: Blockhash; signatures: string[] }

A Block on the ledger with signatures only

Type declaration

  • blockTime: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the block was processed

  • blockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block

  • parentSlot: number

    Slot index of this block's parent

  • previousBlockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block's parent

  • signatures: string[]

    Vector of signatures

BlockTimestamp: Readonly<{ slot: number; timestamp: number }>
Blockhash: string

Blockhash as Base58 string.

BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight: Readonly<{ blockhash: Blockhash; lastValidBlockHeight: number }>
BlockheightBasedTransactionConfirmationStrategy: { signature: TransactionSignature } & BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight

A strategy for confirming transactions that uses the last valid block height for a given blockhash to check for transaction expiration.

ClientSubscriptionId: number
CloseLookupTableParams: { authority: PublicKey; lookupTable: PublicKey; recipient: PublicKey }

Type declaration

  • authority: PublicKey

    Account which is the current authority.

  • lookupTable: PublicKey

    Address lookup table account to close.

  • recipient: PublicKey

    Recipient of closed account lamports.

Cluster: "devnet" | "testnet" | "mainnet-beta"
Commitment: "processed" | "confirmed" | "finalized" | "recent" | "single" | "singleGossip" | "root" | "max"

The level of commitment desired when querying state

  'processed': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the connected node
  'confirmed': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the cluster
  'finalized': Query the most recent block which has been finalized by the cluster
CompileLegacyArgs: { instructions: TransactionInstruction[]; payerKey: PublicKey; recentBlockhash: Blockhash }

Type declaration

CompileV0Args: { addressLookupTableAccounts?: AddressLookupTableAccount[]; instructions: TransactionInstruction[]; payerKey: PublicKey; recentBlockhash: Blockhash }

Type declaration

CompiledInnerInstruction: { index: number; instructions: CompiledInstruction[] }

Type declaration

CompiledInstruction: { accounts: number[]; data: string; programIdIndex: number }

An instruction to execute by a program


{number} programIdIndex


{number[]} accounts


{string} data

Type declaration

  • accounts: number[]

    Ordered indices into the transaction keys array indicating which accounts to pass to the program

  • data: string

    The program input data encoded as base 58

  • programIdIndex: number

    Index into the transaction keys array indicating the program account that executes this instruction

ComputeBudgetInstructionType: "RequestUnits" | "RequestHeapFrame" | "SetComputeUnitLimit" | "SetComputeUnitPrice"

An enumeration of valid ComputeBudgetInstructionType's

ConfirmOptions: { commitment?: Commitment; maxRetries?: number; minContextSlot?: number; preflightCommitment?: Commitment; skipPreflight?: boolean }

Options for confirming transactions

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    desired commitment level

  • Optional maxRetries?: number

    Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry sending the transaction to the leader.

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

  • Optional preflightCommitment?: Commitment

    preflight commitment level

  • Optional skipPreflight?: boolean

    disable transaction verification step

ConfirmedBlock: { blockTime: number | null; blockhash: Blockhash; parentSlot: number; previousBlockhash: Blockhash; rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]; transactions: { meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: Transaction }[] }

A confirmed block on the ledger


Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0.

Type declaration

  • blockTime: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the block was processed

  • blockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block

  • parentSlot: number

    Slot index of this block's parent

  • previousBlockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block's parent

  • Optional rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]

    Vector of block rewards

  • transactions: { meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: Transaction }[]

    Vector of transactions and status metas

ConfirmedSignatureInfo: { blockTime?: number | null; confirmationStatus?: TransactionConfirmationStatus; err: TransactionError | null; memo: string | null; signature: string; slot: number }

A confirmed signature with its status

Type declaration

  • Optional blockTime?: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed

  • Optional confirmationStatus?: TransactionConfirmationStatus

    Cluster confirmation status, if available. Possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized

  • err: TransactionError | null

    error, if any

  • memo: string | null

    memo associated with the transaction, if any

  • signature: string

    the transaction signature

  • slot: number

    when the transaction was processed

ConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Options: { before?: TransactionSignature; limit?: number; until?: TransactionSignature }

Options for getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2

Type declaration

  • Optional before?: TransactionSignature

    Start searching backwards from this transaction signature.


    If not provided the search starts from the highest max confirmed block.

  • Optional limit?: number

    Maximum transaction signatures to return (between 1 and 1,000, default: 1,000).

  • Optional until?: TransactionSignature

    Search until this transaction signature is reached, if found before limit.

ConfirmedTransaction: { blockTime?: number | null; meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; slot: number; transaction: Transaction }

A confirmed transaction on the ledger


Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0.

Type declaration

  • Optional blockTime?: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed

  • meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null

    Metadata produced from the transaction

  • slot: number

    The slot during which the transaction was processed

  • transaction: Transaction

    The details of the transaction

ConfirmedTransactionMeta: { computeUnitsConsumed?: number; err: TransactionError | null; fee: number; innerInstructions?: CompiledInnerInstruction[] | null; loadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses; logMessages?: string[] | null; postBalances: number[]; postTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null; preBalances: number[]; preTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null }

Metadata for a confirmed transaction on the ledger

Type declaration

  • Optional computeUnitsConsumed?: number

    The compute units consumed after processing the transaction

  • err: TransactionError | null

    The error result of transaction processing

  • fee: number

    The fee charged for processing the transaction

  • Optional innerInstructions?: CompiledInnerInstruction[] | null

    An array of cross program invoked instructions

  • Optional loadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses

    The collection of addresses loaded using address lookup tables

  • Optional logMessages?: string[] | null

    An array of program log messages emitted during a transaction

  • postBalances: number[]

    The balances of the transaction accounts after processing

  • Optional postTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null

    The token balances of the transaction accounts after processing

  • preBalances: number[]

    The balances of the transaction accounts before processing

  • Optional preTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null

    The token balances of the transaction accounts before processing

ConnectionConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; confirmTransactionInitialTimeout?: number; disableRetryOnRateLimit?: boolean; fetch?: FetchFn; fetchMiddleware?: FetchMiddleware; httpHeaders?: HttpHeaders; wsEndpoint?: string }

Configuration for instantiating a Connection

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional confirmTransactionInitialTimeout?: number

    time to allow for the server to initially process a transaction (in milliseconds)

  • Optional disableRetryOnRateLimit?: boolean

    Optional Disable retrying calls when server responds with HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests)

  • Optional fetch?: FetchFn

    Optional custom fetch function

  • Optional fetchMiddleware?: FetchMiddleware

    Optional fetch middleware callback

  • Optional httpHeaders?: HttpHeaders

    Optional HTTP headers object

  • Optional wsEndpoint?: string

    Optional endpoint URL to the fullnode JSON RPC PubSub WebSocket Endpoint

ContactInfo: { gossip: string | null; pubkey: string; rpc: string | null; tpu: string | null; version: string | null }

Information describing a cluster node

Type declaration

  • gossip: string | null

    Gossip network address for the node

  • pubkey: string

    Identity public key of the node

  • rpc: string | null

    JSON RPC network address for the node (null if not available)

  • tpu: string | null

    TPU network address for the node (null if not available)

  • version: string | null

    Software version of the node (null if not available)

Context: { slot: number }

Extra contextual information for RPC responses

Type declaration

  • slot: number
CreateAccountParams: { fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; newAccountPubkey: PublicKey; programId: PublicKey; space: number }

Create account system transaction params

Type declaration

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    The account that will transfer lamports to the created account

  • lamports: number

    Amount of lamports to transfer to the created account

  • newAccountPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the created account

  • programId: PublicKey

    Public key of the program to assign as the owner of the created account

  • space: number

    Amount of space in bytes to allocate to the created account

CreateAccountWithSeedParams: { basePubkey: PublicKey; fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; newAccountPubkey: PublicKey; programId: PublicKey; seed: string; space: number }

Create account with seed system transaction params

Type declaration

  • basePubkey: PublicKey

    Base public key to use to derive the address of the created account. Must be the same as the base key used to create newAccountPubkey

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    The account that will transfer lamports to the created account

  • lamports: number

    Amount of lamports to transfer to the created account

  • newAccountPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the created account. Must be pre-calculated with PublicKey.createWithSeed()

  • programId: PublicKey

    Public key of the program to assign as the owner of the created account

  • seed: string

    Seed to use to derive the address of the created account. Must be the same as the seed used to create newAccountPubkey

  • space: number

    Amount of space in bytes to allocate to the created account

CreateEd25519InstructionWithPrivateKeyParams: { instructionIndex?: number; message: Uint8Array; privateKey: Uint8Array }

Params for creating an ed25519 instruction using a private key

Type declaration

  • Optional instructionIndex?: number
  • message: Uint8Array
  • privateKey: Uint8Array
CreateEd25519InstructionWithPublicKeyParams: { instructionIndex?: number; message: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array; signature: Uint8Array }

Params for creating an ed25519 instruction using a public key

Type declaration

  • Optional instructionIndex?: number
  • message: Uint8Array
  • publicKey: Uint8Array
  • signature: Uint8Array
CreateLookupTableParams: { authority: PublicKey; payer: PublicKey; recentSlot: bigint | number }

Type declaration

  • authority: PublicKey

    Account used to derive and control the new address lookup table.

  • payer: PublicKey

    Account that will fund the new address lookup table.

  • recentSlot: bigint | number

    A recent slot must be used in the derivation path for each initialized table.

CreateNonceAccountParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; noncePubkey: PublicKey }

Create nonce account system transaction params

Type declaration

  • authorizedPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key to set as authority of the created nonce account

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    The account that will transfer lamports to the created nonce account

  • lamports: number

    Amount of lamports to transfer to the created nonce account

  • noncePubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the created nonce account

CreateNonceAccountWithSeedParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; basePubkey: PublicKey; fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; noncePubkey: PublicKey; seed: string }

Create nonce account with seed system transaction params

Type declaration

  • authorizedPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key to set as authority of the created nonce account

  • basePubkey: PublicKey

    Base public key to use to derive the address of the nonce account

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    The account that will transfer lamports to the created nonce account

  • lamports: number

    Amount of lamports to transfer to the created nonce account

  • noncePubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the created nonce account

  • seed: string

    Seed to use to derive the address of the nonce account

CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithEthAddressParams: { ethAddress: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[] | string; instructionIndex?: number; message: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]; recoveryId: number; signature: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[] }

Params for creating an secp256k1 instruction using an Ethereum address

Type declaration

  • ethAddress: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[] | string
  • Optional instructionIndex?: number
  • message: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]
  • recoveryId: number
  • signature: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]
CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPrivateKeyParams: { instructionIndex?: number; message: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]; privateKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[] }

Params for creating an secp256k1 instruction using a private key

Type declaration

  • Optional instructionIndex?: number
  • message: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]
  • privateKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]
CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPublicKeyParams: { instructionIndex?: number; message: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]; publicKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]; recoveryId: number; signature: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[] }

Params for creating an secp256k1 instruction using a public key

Type declaration

  • Optional instructionIndex?: number
  • message: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]
  • publicKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]
  • recoveryId: number
  • signature: Buffer | Uint8Array | number[]
CreateStakeAccountParams: { authorized: Authorized; fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; lockup?: Lockup; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

Create stake account transaction params

Type declaration

  • authorized: Authorized

    Authorities of the new stake account

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    Address of the account which will fund creation

  • lamports: number

    Funding amount

  • Optional lockup?: Lockup

    Lockup of the new stake account

  • stakePubkey: PublicKey

    Address of the new stake account

CreateStakeAccountWithSeedParams: { authorized: Authorized; basePubkey: PublicKey; fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; lockup?: Lockup; seed: string; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

Create stake account with seed transaction params

Type declaration

CreateVoteAccountParams: { fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; voteInit: VoteInit; votePubkey: PublicKey }

Create vote account transaction params

Type declaration

DataSizeFilter: { dataSize: number }

Data size comparison filter for getProgramAccounts

Type declaration

  • dataSize: number

    Size of data for program account data length comparison

DataSlice: { length: number; offset: number }

Data slice argument for getProgramAccounts

Type declaration

  • length: number

    length of data slice

  • offset: number

    offset of data slice

DeactivateLookupTableParams: { authority: PublicKey; lookupTable: PublicKey }

Type declaration

  • authority: PublicKey

    Account which is the current authority.

  • lookupTable: PublicKey

    Address lookup table account to deactivate.

DeactivateStakeParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

Deactivate stake instruction params

Type declaration

DecodedTransferInstruction: { fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: bigint; toPubkey: PublicKey }

Decoded transfer system transaction instruction

Type declaration

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    Account that will transfer lamports

  • lamports: bigint

    Amount of lamports to transfer

  • toPubkey: PublicKey

    Account that will receive transferred lamports

DecodedTransferWithSeedInstruction: { basePubkey: PublicKey; fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: bigint; programId: PublicKey; seed: string; toPubkey: PublicKey }

Decoded transferWithSeed system transaction instruction

Type declaration

  • basePubkey: PublicKey

    Base public key to use to derive the funding account address

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    Account that will transfer lamports

  • lamports: bigint

    Amount of lamports to transfer

  • programId: PublicKey

    Program id to use to derive the funding account address

  • seed: string

    Seed to use to derive the funding account address

  • toPubkey: PublicKey

    Account that will receive transferred lamports

DecompileArgs: { accountKeysFromLookups: AccountKeysFromLookups } | { addressLookupTableAccounts: AddressLookupTableAccount[] }
DelegateStakeParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; stakePubkey: PublicKey; votePubkey: PublicKey }

Delegate stake instruction params

Type declaration

DurableNonce: string

A durable nonce is a 32 byte value encoded as a base58 string.

DurableNonceTransactionConfirmationStrategy: { minContextSlot: number; nonceAccountPubkey: PublicKey; nonceValue: DurableNonce; signature: TransactionSignature }

A strategy for confirming durable nonce transactions.

Type declaration

  • minContextSlot: number

    The lowest slot at which to fetch the nonce value from the nonce account. This should be no lower than the slot at which the last-known value of the nonce was fetched.

  • nonceAccountPubkey: PublicKey

    The account where the current value of the nonce is stored.

  • nonceValue: DurableNonce

    The nonce value that was used to sign the transaction for which confirmation is being sought.

  • signature: TransactionSignature
Ed25519SecretKey: Uint8Array

A 64 byte secret key, the first 32 bytes of which is the private scalar and the last 32 bytes is the public key. Read more: https://blog.mozilla.org/warner/2011/11/29/ed25519-keys/

EpochCredits: Readonly<{ credits: number; epoch: number; prevCredits: number }>

History of how many credits earned by the end of each epoch

EpochInfo: { absoluteSlot: number; blockHeight?: number; epoch: number; slotIndex: number; slotsInEpoch: number; transactionCount?: number }

Information about the current epoch

Type declaration

  • absoluteSlot: number
  • Optional blockHeight?: number
  • epoch: number
  • slotIndex: number
  • slotsInEpoch: number
  • Optional transactionCount?: number
ExtendLookupTableParams: { addresses: PublicKey[]; authority: PublicKey; lookupTable: PublicKey; payer?: PublicKey }

Type declaration

  • addresses: PublicKey[]

    List of Public Keys to be added to the lookup table.

  • authority: PublicKey

    Account which is the current authority.

  • lookupTable: PublicKey

    Address lookup table account to extend.

  • Optional payer?: PublicKey

    Account that will fund the table reallocation. Not required if the reallocation has already been funded.

FetchFn: typeof export_default

The type of the JavaScript fetch() API

FetchMiddleware: ((info: Parameters<FetchFn>[0], init: Parameters<FetchFn>[1], fetch: ((...a: Parameters<FetchFn>) => void)) => void)

Type declaration

    • (info: Parameters<FetchFn>[0], init: Parameters<FetchFn>[1], fetch: ((...a: Parameters<FetchFn>) => void)): void
    • A callback used to augment the outgoing HTTP request


      • info: Parameters<FetchFn>[0]
      • init: Parameters<FetchFn>[1]
      • fetch: ((...a: Parameters<FetchFn>) => void)
          • Parameters

            Returns void

      Returns void

Finality: "confirmed" | "finalized"

A subset of Commitment levels, which are at least optimistically confirmed

  'confirmed': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the cluster
  'finalized': Query the most recent block which has been finalized by the cluster
FreezeLookupTableParams: { authority: PublicKey; lookupTable: PublicKey }

Type declaration

  • authority: PublicKey

    Account which is the current authority.

  • lookupTable: PublicKey

    Address lookup table account to freeze.

GetAccountInfoConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; dataSlice?: DataSlice; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getAccountInfo query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional dataSlice?: DataSlice

    Optional data slice to limit the returned account data

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetAccountKeysArgs: { accountKeysFromLookups?: AccountKeysFromLookups | null } | { addressLookupTableAccounts?: AddressLookupTableAccount[] | null }
GetBalanceConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getBalance query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetBlockConfig: { commitment?: Finality; rewards?: boolean; transactionDetails?: "accounts" | "full" | "none" | "signatures" }

Configuration object for changing getBlock query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Finality

    The level of finality desired

  • Optional rewards?: boolean

    Whether to populate the rewards array. If parameter not provided, the default includes rewards.

  • Optional transactionDetails?: "accounts" | "full" | "none" | "signatures"

    Level of transaction detail to return, either "full", "accounts", "signatures", or "none". If parameter not provided, the default detail level is "full". If "accounts" are requested, transaction details only include signatures and an annotated list of accounts in each transaction. Transaction metadata is limited to only: fee, err, pre_balances, post_balances, pre_token_balances, and post_token_balances.

GetBlockHeightConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getBlockHeight query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetBlockProductionConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; identity?: string; range?: { firstSlot: number; lastSlot?: number } }

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional identity?: string

    Only return results for this validator identity (base-58 encoded)

  • Optional range?: { firstSlot: number; lastSlot?: number }

    Slot range to return block production for. If parameter not provided, defaults to current epoch.

    • firstSlot: number

      first slot to return block production information for (inclusive)

    • Optional lastSlot?: number

      last slot to return block production information for (inclusive). If parameter not provided, defaults to the highest slot

GetEpochInfoConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getEpochInfo query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetInflationRewardConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; epoch?: number; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getInflationReward query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional epoch?: number

    An epoch for which the reward occurs. If omitted, the previous epoch will be used

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetLargestAccountsConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; filter?: LargestAccountsFilter }

Configuration object for changing getLargestAccounts query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional filter?: LargestAccountsFilter

    Filter largest accounts by whether they are part of the circulating supply

GetLatestBlockhashConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getLatestBlockhash query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetMultipleAccountsConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; dataSlice?: DataSlice; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getMultipleAccounts

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional dataSlice?: DataSlice

    Optional data slice to limit the returned account data

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetNonceAndContextConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getNonceAndContext

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetNonceConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getNonce

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetParsedProgramAccountsConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; filters?: GetProgramAccountsFilter[]; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getParsedProgramAccounts

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional filters?: GetProgramAccountsFilter[]

    Optional array of filters to apply to accounts

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetProgramAccountsConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; dataSlice?: DataSlice; encoding?: "base64"; filters?: GetProgramAccountsFilter[]; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getProgramAccounts requests

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional dataSlice?: DataSlice

    Optional data slice to limit the returned account data

  • Optional encoding?: "base64"

    Optional encoding for account data (default base64) To use "jsonParsed" encoding, please refer to getParsedProgramAccounts in connection.ts

  • Optional filters?: GetProgramAccountsFilter[]

    Optional array of filters to apply to accounts

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetProgramAccountsFilter: MemcmpFilter | DataSizeFilter

A filter object for getProgramAccounts

GetSlotConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getSlot query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetSlotLeaderConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for changing getSlotLeader query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetStakeActivationConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; epoch?: number; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getStakeActivation

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional epoch?: number

    Epoch for which to calculate activation details. If parameter not provided, defaults to current epoch

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetStakeMinimumDelegationConfig: { commitment?: Commitment }

Configuration object for changing getStakeMinimumDelegation query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

GetSupplyConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; excludeNonCirculatingAccountsList?: boolean }

Configuration object for changing getSupply request behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    The level of commitment desired

  • Optional excludeNonCirculatingAccountsList?: boolean

    Exclude non circulating accounts list from response

GetTokenAccountsByOwnerConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getStakeActivation

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetTransactionConfig: { commitment?: Finality }

Configuration object for changing getTransaction query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Finality

    The level of finality desired

GetTransactionCountConfig: { commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number }

Configuration object for getStakeActivation

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • Optional minContextSlot?: number

    The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

GetVersionedBlockConfig: { commitment?: Finality; maxSupportedTransactionVersion?: number; rewards?: boolean; transactionDetails?: "accounts" | "full" | "none" | "signatures" }

Configuration object for changing getBlock query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Finality

    The level of finality desired

  • Optional maxSupportedTransactionVersion?: number

    The max transaction version to return in responses. If the requested transaction is a higher version, an error will be returned

  • Optional rewards?: boolean

    Whether to populate the rewards array. If parameter not provided, the default includes rewards.

  • Optional transactionDetails?: "accounts" | "full" | "none" | "signatures"

    Level of transaction detail to return, either "full", "accounts", "signatures", or "none". If parameter not provided, the default detail level is "full". If "accounts" are requested, transaction details only include signatures and an annotated list of accounts in each transaction. Transaction metadata is limited to only: fee, err, pre_balances, post_balances, pre_token_balances, and post_token_balances.

GetVersionedTransactionConfig: { commitment?: Finality; maxSupportedTransactionVersion?: number }

Configuration object for changing getTransaction query behavior

Type declaration

  • Optional commitment?: Finality

    The level of finality desired

  • Optional maxSupportedTransactionVersion?: number

    The max transaction version to return in responses. If the requested transaction is a higher version, an error will be returned

HttpHeaders: {} & { solana-client?: never }

An object defining headers to be passed to the RPC server

InflationGovernor: { foundation: number; foundationTerm: number; initial: number; taper: number; terminal: number }

Type declaration

  • foundation: number
  • foundationTerm: number
  • initial: number
  • taper: number
  • terminal: number
InflationReward: { amount: number; effectiveSlot: number; epoch: number; postBalance: number }

The inflation reward for an epoch

Type declaration

  • amount: number

    reward amount in lamports

  • effectiveSlot: number

    the slot in which the rewards are effective

  • epoch: number

    epoch for which the reward occurs

  • postBalance: number

    post balance of the account in lamports

Info: { details?: string; keybaseUsername?: string; name: string; website?: string }

Info used to identity validators.

Type declaration

  • Optional details?: string

    optional, extra information the validator chose to share

  • Optional keybaseUsername?: string

    optional, used to identify validators on keybase.io

  • name: string

    validator name

  • Optional website?: string

    optional, validator website

InitializeAccountParams: { nodePubkey: PublicKey; voteInit: VoteInit; votePubkey: PublicKey }

InitializeAccount instruction params

Type declaration

InitializeNonceParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; noncePubkey: PublicKey }

Initialize nonce account system instruction params

Type declaration

  • authorizedPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key to set as authority of the initialized nonce account

  • noncePubkey: PublicKey

    Nonce account which will be initialized

InitializeStakeParams: { authorized: Authorized; lockup?: Lockup; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

Initialize stake instruction params

Type declaration

KeyedAccountInfo: { accountId: PublicKey; accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer> }

Account information identified by pubkey

Type declaration

LargestAccountsFilter: "circulating" | "nonCirculating"

Filter for largest accounts query

  'circulating':    Return the largest accounts that are part of the circulating supply
  'nonCirculating': Return the largest accounts that are not part of the circulating supply
LeaderSchedule: {}

Type declaration

  • [address: string]: number[]
LoadedAddresses: { readonly: PublicKey[]; writable: PublicKey[] }

Collection of addresses loaded by a transaction using address table lookups

Type declaration

Lockout: { confirmationCount: number; slot: number }

Type declaration

  • confirmationCount: number
  • slot: number
Logs: { err: TransactionError | null; logs: string[]; signature: string }

Logs result.

Type declaration

LogsCallback: ((logs: Logs, ctx: web3.Context) => void)

Type declaration

LogsFilter: PublicKey | "all" | "allWithVotes"

Filter for log subscriptions.

LookupTableInstructionType: "CreateLookupTable" | "ExtendLookupTable" | "CloseLookupTable" | "FreezeLookupTable" | "DeactivateLookupTable"

An enumeration of valid LookupTableInstructionType's

MemcmpFilter: { memcmp: { bytes: string; offset: number } }

Memory comparison filter for getProgramAccounts

Type declaration

  • memcmp: { bytes: string; offset: number }
    • bytes: string

      data to match, as base-58 encoded string and limited to less than 129 bytes

    • offset: number

      offset into program account data to start comparison

MergeStakeParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; sourceStakePubKey: PublicKey; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

Merge stake instruction params

Type declaration

MessageAddressTableLookup: { accountKey: PublicKey; readonlyIndexes: number[]; writableIndexes: number[] }

An address table lookup used to load additional accounts

Type declaration

  • accountKey: PublicKey
  • readonlyIndexes: number[]
  • writableIndexes: number[]
MessageArgs: { accountKeys: string[] | PublicKey[]; header: MessageHeader; instructions: CompiledInstruction[]; recentBlockhash: Blockhash }

Message constructor arguments

Type declaration

  • accountKeys: string[] | PublicKey[]

    All the account keys used by this transaction

  • header: MessageHeader

    The message header, identifying signed and read-only accountKeys

  • instructions: CompiledInstruction[]

    Instructions that will be executed in sequence and committed in one atomic transaction if all succeed.

  • recentBlockhash: Blockhash

    The hash of a recent ledger block

MessageCompiledInstruction: { accountKeyIndexes: number[]; data: Uint8Array; programIdIndex: number }

An instruction to execute by a program


{number} programIdIndex


{number[]} accountKeyIndexes


{Uint8Array} data

Type declaration

  • accountKeyIndexes: number[]

    Ordered indices into the transaction keys array indicating which accounts to pass to the program

  • data: Uint8Array

    The program input data

  • programIdIndex: number

    Index into the transaction keys array indicating the program account that executes this instruction

MessageHeader: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: number; numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: number; numRequiredSignatures: number }

The message header, identifying signed and read-only account

Type declaration

  • numReadonlySignedAccounts: number

    The last numReadonlySignedAccounts of the signed keys are read-only accounts

  • numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: number

    The last numReadonlySignedAccounts of the unsigned keys are read-only accounts

  • numRequiredSignatures: number

    The number of signatures required for this message to be considered valid. The signatures must match the first numRequiredSignatures of accountKeys.

MessageV0Args: { addressTableLookups: MessageAddressTableLookup[]; compiledInstructions: MessageCompiledInstruction[]; header: MessageHeader; recentBlockhash: Blockhash; staticAccountKeys: PublicKey[] }

Message constructor arguments

Type declaration

  • addressTableLookups: MessageAddressTableLookup[]

    Instructions that will be executed in sequence and committed in one atomic transaction if all succeed.

  • compiledInstructions: MessageCompiledInstruction[]

    Instructions that will be executed in sequence and committed in one atomic transaction if all succeed.

  • header: MessageHeader

    The message header, identifying signed and read-only accountKeys

  • recentBlockhash: Blockhash

    The hash of a recent ledger block

  • staticAccountKeys: PublicKey[]

    The static account keys used by this transaction

NonceInformation: { nonce: Blockhash; nonceInstruction: TransactionInstruction }

Nonce information to be used to build an offline Transaction.

Type declaration

NoneModeBlockResponse: VersionedNoneModeBlockResponse

A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the transactionDetails mode is none

ParsedAccountData: { parsed: any; program: string; space: number }

Parsed account data

Type declaration

  • parsed: any

    Parsed account data

  • program: string

    Name of the program that owns this account

  • space: number

    Space used by account data

ParsedAccountsModeBlockResponse: Omit<ParsedBlockResponse, "transactions"> & { transactions: (Omit<ParsedBlockResponse["transactions"][number], "transaction"> & { transaction: Pick<ParsedBlockResponse["transactions"][number]["transaction"], "signatures"> & { accountKeys: ParsedMessageAccount[] } })[] }

A block with parsed transactions where the transactionDetails mode is accounts

ParsedAddressTableLookup: { accountKey: PublicKey; readonlyIndexes: number[]; writableIndexes: number[] }

A parsed address table lookup

Type declaration

  • accountKey: PublicKey

    Address lookup table account key

  • readonlyIndexes: number[]

    Parsed instruction info

  • writableIndexes: number[]

    Parsed instruction info

ParsedBlockResponse: { blockHeight: number | null; blockTime: number | null; blockhash: Blockhash; parentSlot: number; previousBlockhash: Blockhash; rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]; transactions: { meta: ParsedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: ParsedTransaction; version?: TransactionVersion }[] }

A block with parsed transactions

Type declaration

  • blockHeight: number | null

    The number of blocks beneath this block

  • blockTime: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the block was processed

  • blockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block

  • parentSlot: number

    Slot index of this block's parent

  • previousBlockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block's parent

  • Optional rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]

    Vector of block rewards

  • transactions: { meta: ParsedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: ParsedTransaction; version?: TransactionVersion }[]

    Vector of transactions with status meta and original message

ParsedConfirmedTransaction: ParsedTransactionWithMeta

A parsed and confirmed transaction on the ledger


Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use ParsedTransactionWithMeta instead.

ParsedConfirmedTransactionMeta: ParsedTransactionMeta

Metadata for a parsed confirmed transaction on the ledger


Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use ParsedTransactionMeta instead.

ParsedInnerInstruction: { index: number; instructions: (ParsedInstruction | PartiallyDecodedInstruction)[] }

Type declaration

ParsedInstruction: { parsed: any; program: string; programId: PublicKey }

A parsed transaction instruction

Type declaration

  • parsed: any

    Parsed instruction info

  • program: string

    Name of the program for this instruction

  • programId: PublicKey

    ID of the program for this instruction

ParsedMessage: { accountKeys: ParsedMessageAccount[]; addressTableLookups?: ParsedAddressTableLookup[] | null; instructions: (ParsedInstruction | PartiallyDecodedInstruction)[]; recentBlockhash: string }

A parsed transaction message

Type declaration

ParsedMessageAccount: { pubkey: PublicKey; signer: boolean; source?: "transaction" | "lookupTable"; writable: boolean }

A parsed transaction message account

Type declaration

  • pubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the account

  • signer: boolean

    Indicates if the account signed the transaction

  • Optional source?: "transaction" | "lookupTable"

    Indicates if the account key came from the transaction or a lookup table

  • writable: boolean

    Indicates if the account is writable for this transaction

ParsedNoneModeBlockResponse: Omit<ParsedBlockResponse, "transactions">

A block with parsed transactions where the transactionDetails mode is none

ParsedTransaction: { message: ParsedMessage; signatures: string[] }

A parsed transaction

Type declaration

  • message: ParsedMessage

    Message of the transaction

  • signatures: string[]

    Signatures for the transaction

ParsedTransactionMeta: { computeUnitsConsumed?: number; err: TransactionError | null; fee: number; innerInstructions?: ParsedInnerInstruction[] | null; loadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses; logMessages?: string[] | null; postBalances: number[]; postTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null; preBalances: number[]; preTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null }

Metadata for a parsed transaction on the ledger

Type declaration

  • Optional computeUnitsConsumed?: number

    The compute units consumed after processing the transaction

  • err: TransactionError | null

    The error result of transaction processing

  • fee: number

    The fee charged for processing the transaction

  • Optional innerInstructions?: ParsedInnerInstruction[] | null

    An array of cross program invoked parsed instructions

  • Optional loadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses

    The collection of addresses loaded using address lookup tables

  • Optional logMessages?: string[] | null

    An array of program log messages emitted during a transaction

  • postBalances: number[]

    The balances of the transaction accounts after processing

  • Optional postTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null

    The token balances of the transaction accounts after processing

  • preBalances: number[]

    The balances of the transaction accounts before processing

  • Optional preTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null

    The token balances of the transaction accounts before processing

ParsedTransactionWithMeta: { blockTime?: number | null; meta: ParsedTransactionMeta | null; slot: number; transaction: ParsedTransaction; version?: TransactionVersion }

A parsed transaction on the ledger with meta

Type declaration

  • Optional blockTime?: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed

  • meta: ParsedTransactionMeta | null

    Metadata produced from the transaction

  • slot: number

    The slot during which the transaction was processed

  • transaction: ParsedTransaction

    The details of the transaction

  • Optional version?: TransactionVersion

    The version of the transaction message

PartiallyDecodedInstruction: { accounts: PublicKey[]; data: string; programId: PublicKey }

A partially decoded transaction instruction

Type declaration

  • accounts: PublicKey[]

    Public keys of accounts passed to this instruction

  • data: string

    Raw base-58 instruction data

  • programId: PublicKey

    Program id called by this instruction

PerfSample: { numSlots: number; numTransactions: number; samplePeriodSecs: number; slot: number }

A performance sample

Type declaration

  • numSlots: number

    Number of slots in a sample window

  • numTransactions: number

    Number of transactions in a sample window

  • samplePeriodSecs: number

    Sample window in seconds

  • slot: number

    Slot number of sample

PriorVoter: Readonly<{ authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; epochOfLastAuthorizedSwitch: number; targetEpoch: number }>
ProgramAccountChangeCallback: ((keyedAccountInfo: KeyedAccountInfo, context: web3.Context) => void)

Type declaration

PublicKeyData: {}

JSON object representation of PublicKey class

Type declaration

    PublicKeyInitData: number | string | Uint8Array | number[] | PublicKeyData

    Value to be converted into public key

    RequestHeapFrameParams: { bytes: number }

    Request heap frame instruction params

    Type declaration

    • bytes: number

      Requested transaction-wide program heap size in bytes. Must be multiple of 1024. Applies to each program, including CPIs.

    RootChangeCallback: ((root: number) => void)

    Type declaration

      • (root: number): void
      • Callback function for root change notifications


        • root: number

        Returns void

    RpcResponseAndContext<T>: { context: web3.Context; value: T }

    RPC Response with extra contextual information

    Type Parameters

    • T

    Type declaration

    • context: web3.Context

      response context

    • value: T

      response value

    SendOptions: { maxRetries?: number; minContextSlot?: number; preflightCommitment?: Commitment; skipPreflight?: boolean }

    Options for sending transactions

    Type declaration

    • Optional maxRetries?: number

      Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry sending the transaction to the leader.

    • Optional minContextSlot?: number

      The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

    • Optional preflightCommitment?: Commitment

      preflight commitment level

    • Optional skipPreflight?: boolean

      disable transaction verification step

    SerializeConfig: { requireAllSignatures?: boolean; verifySignatures?: boolean }

    Configuration object for Transaction.serialize()

    Type declaration

    • Optional requireAllSignatures?: boolean

      Require all transaction signatures be present (default: true)

    • Optional verifySignatures?: boolean

      Verify provided signatures (default: true)

    SignaturePubkeyPair: { publicKey: PublicKey; signature: Buffer | null }

    Pair of signature and corresponding public key

    Type declaration

    SignatureReceivedNotification: { type: "received" }

    Signature received notification

    Type declaration

    • type: "received"
    SignatureResult: { err: TransactionError | null }

    Signature result

    Type declaration

    SignatureResultCallback: ((signatureResult: SignatureResult, context: web3.Context) => void)

    Type declaration

    SignatureStatus: { confirmationStatus?: TransactionConfirmationStatus; confirmations: number | null; err: TransactionError | null; slot: number }

    Signature status

    Type declaration

    • Optional confirmationStatus?: TransactionConfirmationStatus

      cluster confirmation status, if data available. Possible responses: processed, confirmed, finalized

    • confirmations: number | null

      the number of blocks that have been confirmed and voted on in the fork containing slot

    • err: TransactionError | null

      transaction error, if any

    • slot: number

      when the transaction was processed

    SignatureStatusConfig: { searchTransactionHistory: boolean }

    Configuration object for changing query behavior

    Type declaration

    • searchTransactionHistory: boolean

      enable searching status history, not needed for recent transactions

    SignatureStatusNotification: { result: SignatureResult; type: "status" }

    Signature status notification with transaction result

    Type declaration

    SignatureSubscriptionCallback: ((notification: SignatureStatusNotification | SignatureReceivedNotification, context: web3.Context) => void)

    Type declaration

    SignatureSubscriptionOptions: { commitment?: Commitment; enableReceivedNotification?: boolean }

    Signature subscription options

    Type declaration

    • Optional commitment?: Commitment
    • Optional enableReceivedNotification?: boolean
    SignaturesForAddressOptions: { before?: TransactionSignature; limit?: number; minContextSlot?: number; until?: TransactionSignature }

    Options for getSignaturesForAddress

    Type declaration

    • Optional before?: TransactionSignature

      Start searching backwards from this transaction signature.


      If not provided the search starts from the highest max confirmed block.

    • Optional limit?: number

      Maximum transaction signatures to return (between 1 and 1,000, default: 1,000).

    • Optional minContextSlot?: number

      The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at

    • Optional until?: TransactionSignature

      Search until this transaction signature is reached, if found before limit.

    SimulateTransactionConfig: { accounts?: { addresses: string[]; encoding: "base64" }; commitment?: Commitment; minContextSlot?: number; replaceRecentBlockhash?: boolean; sigVerify?: boolean }

    Type declaration

    • Optional accounts?: { addresses: string[]; encoding: "base64" }

      Optional parameter used to specify a list of account addresses to return post simulation state for

      • addresses: string[]
      • encoding: "base64"
    • Optional commitment?: Commitment

      Optional parameter used to set the commitment level when selecting the latest block

    • Optional minContextSlot?: number

      Optional parameter used to specify the minimum block slot that can be used for simulation

    • Optional replaceRecentBlockhash?: boolean

      Optional parameter used to replace the simulated transaction's recent blockhash with the latest blockhash

    • Optional sigVerify?: boolean

      Optional parameter used to enable signature verification before simulation

    SimulatedTransactionAccountInfo: { data: string[]; executable: boolean; lamports: number; owner: string; rentEpoch?: number }

    Type declaration

    • data: string[]

      Optional data assigned to the account

    • executable: boolean

      true if this account's data contains a loaded program

    • lamports: number

      Number of lamports assigned to the account

    • owner: string

      Identifier of the program that owns the account

    • Optional rentEpoch?: number

      Optional rent epoch info for account

    SimulatedTransactionResponse: { accounts?: (SimulatedTransactionAccountInfo | null)[] | null; err: TransactionError | string | null; logs: string[] | null; returnData?: TransactionReturnData | null; unitsConsumed?: number }

    Type declaration

    SlotChangeCallback: ((slotInfo: SlotInfo) => void)

    Type declaration

      • Callback function for slot change notifications


        Returns void

    SlotInfo: { parent: number; root: number; slot: number }

    Information about the latest slot being processed by a node

    Type declaration

    • parent: number

      Parent of the current slot

    • root: number

      The root block of the current slot's fork

    • slot: number

      Currently processing slot

    SlotUpdate: { slot: number; timestamp: number; type: "firstShredReceived" } | { slot: number; timestamp: number; type: "completed" } | { parent: number; slot: number; timestamp: number; type: "createdBank" } | { slot: number; stats: { maxTransactionsPerEntry: number; numFailedTransactions: number; numSuccessfulTransactions: number; numTransactionEntries: number }; timestamp: number; type: "frozen" } | { err: string; slot: number; timestamp: number; type: "dead" } | { slot: number; timestamp: number; type: "optimisticConfirmation" } | { slot: number; timestamp: number; type: "root" }

    Slot updates which can be used for tracking the live progress of a cluster.

    • "firstShredReceived": connected node received the first shred of a block. Indicates that a new block that is being produced.
    • "completed": connected node has received all shreds of a block. Indicates a block was recently produced.
    • "optimisticConfirmation": block was optimistically confirmed by the cluster. It is not guaranteed that an optimistic confirmation notification will be sent for every finalized blocks.
    • "root": the connected node rooted this block.
    • "createdBank": the connected node has started validating this block.
    • "frozen": the connected node has validated this block.
    • "dead": the connected node failed to validate this block.
    SlotUpdateCallback: ((slotUpdate: SlotUpdate) => void)

    Type declaration

      • Callback function for slot update notifications


        Returns void

    SolanaJSONRPCErrorCodeEnum: typeof SolanaJSONRPCErrorCode[keyof typeof SolanaJSONRPCErrorCode]
    SplitStakeParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; splitStakePubkey: PublicKey; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

    Split stake instruction params

    Type declaration

    SplitStakeWithSeedParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; basePubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; seed: string; splitStakePubkey: PublicKey; stakePubkey: PublicKey }

    Split with seed transaction params

    Type declaration

    StakeActivationData: { active: number; inactive: number; state: "active" | "inactive" | "activating" | "deactivating" }

    Stake Activation data

    Type declaration

    • active: number

      stake active during the epoch

    • inactive: number

      stake inactive during the epoch

    • state: "active" | "inactive" | "activating" | "deactivating"

      the stake account's activation state

    StakeAuthorizationType: { index: number }

    Stake authorization type

    Type declaration

    • index: number

      The Stake Authorization index (from solana-stake-program)

    StakeInstructionType: "Authorize" | "AuthorizeWithSeed" | "Deactivate" | "Delegate" | "Initialize" | "Merge" | "Split" | "Withdraw"

    An enumeration of valid StakeInstructionType's

    Supply: { circulating: number; nonCirculating: number; nonCirculatingAccounts: PublicKey[]; total: number }


    Type declaration

    • circulating: number

      Circulating supply in lamports

    • nonCirculating: number

      Non-circulating supply in lamports

    • nonCirculatingAccounts: PublicKey[]

      List of non-circulating account addresses

    • total: number

      Total supply in lamports

    SystemInstructionType: "AdvanceNonceAccount" | "Allocate" | "AllocateWithSeed" | "Assign" | "AssignWithSeed" | "AuthorizeNonceAccount" | "Create" | "CreateWithSeed" | "InitializeNonceAccount" | "Transfer" | "TransferWithSeed" | "WithdrawNonceAccount" | "UpgradeNonceAccount"

    An enumeration of valid SystemInstructionType's

    TokenAccountBalancePair: { address: PublicKey; amount: string; decimals: number; uiAmount: number | null; uiAmountString?: string }

    Token address and balance.

    Type declaration

    • address: PublicKey

      Address of the token account

    • amount: string

      Raw amount of tokens as string ignoring decimals

    • decimals: number

      Number of decimals configured for token's mint

    • uiAmount: number | null

      Token amount as float, accounts for decimals

    • Optional uiAmountString?: string

      Token amount as string, accounts for decimals

    TokenAccountsFilter: { mint: PublicKey } | { programId: PublicKey }
    TokenAmount: { amount: string; decimals: number; uiAmount: number | null; uiAmountString?: string }

    Token amount object which returns a token amount in different formats for various client use cases.

    Type declaration

    • amount: string

      Raw amount of tokens as string ignoring decimals

    • decimals: number

      Number of decimals configured for token's mint

    • uiAmount: number | null

      Token amount as float, accounts for decimals

    • Optional uiAmountString?: string

      Token amount as string, accounts for decimals

    TokenBalance: { accountIndex: number; mint: string; owner?: string; uiTokenAmount: TokenAmount }

    Type declaration

    • accountIndex: number
    • mint: string
    • Optional owner?: string
    • uiTokenAmount: TokenAmount
    TransactionBlockhashCtor: { blockhash: Blockhash; feePayer?: PublicKey | null; lastValidBlockHeight: number; signatures?: SignaturePubkeyPair[] }

    Blockhash-based transactions have a lifetime that are defined by the blockhash they include. Any transaction whose blockhash is too old will be rejected.

    Type declaration

    • blockhash: Blockhash

      A recent blockhash

    • Optional feePayer?: PublicKey | null

      The transaction fee payer

    • lastValidBlockHeight: number

      the last block chain can advance to before tx is exportd expired

    • Optional signatures?: SignaturePubkeyPair[]

      One or more signatures

    TransactionConfirmationStatus: "processed" | "confirmed" | "finalized"

    Transaction confirmation status

      'processed': Transaction landed in a block which has reached 1 confirmation by the connected node
      'confirmed': Transaction landed in a block which has reached 1 confirmation by the cluster
      'finalized': Transaction landed in a block which has been finalized by the cluster
    TransactionCtorFields: TransactionCtorFields_DEPRECATED
    TransactionCtorFields_DEPRECATED: { feePayer?: PublicKey | null; nonceInfo?: NonceInformation | null; recentBlockhash?: Blockhash; signatures?: SignaturePubkeyPair[] }

    List of Transaction object fields that may be initialized at construction

    Type declaration

    • Optional feePayer?: PublicKey | null

      The transaction fee payer

    • Optional nonceInfo?: NonceInformation | null

      Optional nonce information used for offline nonce'd transactions

    • Optional recentBlockhash?: Blockhash

      A recent blockhash

    • Optional signatures?: SignaturePubkeyPair[]

      One or more signatures

    TransactionError: {} | string

    Transaction error

    TransactionInstructionCtorFields: { data?: Buffer; keys: AccountMeta[]; programId: PublicKey }

    List of TransactionInstruction object fields that may be initialized at construction

    Type declaration

    TransactionMessageArgs: { instructions: TransactionInstruction[]; payerKey: PublicKey; recentBlockhash: Blockhash }

    Type declaration

    TransactionNonceCtor: { feePayer?: PublicKey | null; minContextSlot: number; nonceInfo: NonceInformation; signatures?: SignaturePubkeyPair[] }

    Use these options to construct a durable nonce transaction.

    Type declaration

    TransactionResponse: { blockTime?: number | null; meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; slot: number; transaction: { message: Message; signatures: string[] } }

    A processed transaction from the RPC API

    Type declaration

    • Optional blockTime?: number | null

      The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed

    • meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null

      Metadata produced from the transaction

    • slot: number

      The slot during which the transaction was processed

    • transaction: { message: Message; signatures: string[] }

      The transaction

      • message: Message

        The transaction message

      • signatures: string[]

        The transaction signatures

    TransactionReturnData: { data: [string, TransactionReturnDataEncoding]; programId: string }

    Type declaration

    TransactionReturnDataEncoding: "base64"
    TransactionSignature: string

    Transaction signature as base-58 encoded string

    TransactionVersion: "legacy" | 0
    TransferParams: { fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number | bigint; toPubkey: PublicKey }

    Transfer system transaction params

    Type declaration

    • fromPubkey: PublicKey

      Account that will transfer lamports

    • lamports: number | bigint

      Amount of lamports to transfer

    • toPubkey: PublicKey

      Account that will receive transferred lamports

    TransferWithSeedParams: { basePubkey: PublicKey; fromPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number | bigint; programId: PublicKey; seed: string; toPubkey: PublicKey }

    Transfer with seed system transaction params

    Type declaration

    • basePubkey: PublicKey

      Base public key to use to derive the funding account address

    • fromPubkey: PublicKey

      Account that will transfer lamports

    • lamports: number | bigint

      Amount of lamports to transfer

    • programId: PublicKey

      Program id to use to derive the funding account address

    • seed: string

      Seed to use to derive the funding account address

    • toPubkey: PublicKey

      Account that will receive transferred lamports

    Version: { feature-set?: number; solana-core: string }

    Version info for a node

    Type declaration

    • Optional feature-set?: number
    • solana-core: string

      Version of solana-core

    VersionedAccountsModeBlockResponse: Omit<VersionedBlockResponse, "transactions"> & { transactions: (Omit<VersionedBlockResponse["transactions"][number], "transaction"> & { transaction: Pick<VersionedBlockResponse["transactions"][number]["transaction"], "signatures"> & { accountKeys: ParsedMessageAccount[] } })[] }

    A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the transactionDetails mode is accounts

    VersionedBlockResponse: { blockTime: number | null; blockhash: Blockhash; parentSlot: number; previousBlockhash: Blockhash; rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]; transactions: { meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: { message: web3.VersionedMessage; signatures: string[] }; version?: TransactionVersion }[] }

    A processed block fetched from the RPC API

    Type declaration

    • blockTime: number | null

      The unix timestamp of when the block was processed

    • blockhash: Blockhash

      Blockhash of this block

    • parentSlot: number

      Slot index of this block's parent

    • previousBlockhash: Blockhash

      Blockhash of this block's parent

    • Optional rewards?: { lamports: number; postBalance: number | null; pubkey: string; rewardType: string | null }[]

      Vector of block rewards

    • transactions: { meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; transaction: { message: web3.VersionedMessage; signatures: string[] }; version?: TransactionVersion }[]

      Vector of transactions with status meta and original message

    VersionedMessage: Message | MessageV0
    VersionedNoneModeBlockResponse: Omit<VersionedBlockResponse, "transactions">

    A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the transactionDetails mode is none

    VersionedTransactionResponse: { blockTime?: number | null; meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null; slot: number; transaction: { message: web3.VersionedMessage; signatures: string[] }; version?: TransactionVersion }

    A processed transaction from the RPC API

    Type declaration

    • Optional blockTime?: number | null

      The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed

    • meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null

      Metadata produced from the transaction

    • slot: number

      The slot during which the transaction was processed

    • transaction: { message: web3.VersionedMessage; signatures: string[] }

      The transaction

      • message: web3.VersionedMessage

        The transaction message

      • signatures: string[]

        The transaction signatures

    • Optional version?: TransactionVersion

      The transaction version

    VoteAccountInfo: { activatedStake: number; commission: number; epochCredits: [number, number, number][]; epochVoteAccount: boolean; lastVote: number; nodePubkey: string; votePubkey: string }

    Information describing a vote account

    Type declaration

    • activatedStake: number

      The stake, in lamports, delegated to this vote account and activated

    • commission: number

      A percentage (0-100) of rewards payout owed to the voter

    • epochCredits: [number, number, number][]

      Recent epoch voting credit history for this voter

    • epochVoteAccount: boolean

      Whether the vote account is staked for this epoch

    • lastVote: number

      Most recent slot voted on by this vote account

    • nodePubkey: string

      Identity public key of the node voting with this account

    • votePubkey: string

      Public key of the vote account

    VoteAccountStatus: { current: VoteAccountInfo[]; delinquent: VoteAccountInfo[] }

    A collection of cluster vote accounts

    Type declaration

    VoteAuthorizationType: { index: number }

    VoteAuthorize type

    Type declaration

    • index: number

      The VoteAuthorize index (from solana-vote-program)

    VoteInstructionType: "Authorize" | "AuthorizeWithSeed" | "InitializeAccount" | "Withdraw"

    An enumeration of valid VoteInstructionType's

    WithdrawFromVoteAccountParams: { authorizedWithdrawerPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; toPubkey: PublicKey; votePubkey: PublicKey }

    Withdraw from vote account transaction params

    Type declaration

    WithdrawNonceParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; lamports: number; noncePubkey: PublicKey; toPubkey: PublicKey }

    Withdraw nonce account system transaction params

    Type declaration

    • authorizedPubkey: PublicKey

      Public key of the nonce authority

    • lamports: number

      Amount of lamports to withdraw from the nonce account

    • noncePubkey: PublicKey

      Nonce account

    • toPubkey: PublicKey

      Public key of the account which will receive the withdrawn nonce account balance

    WithdrawStakeParams: { authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; custodianPubkey?: PublicKey; lamports: number; stakePubkey: PublicKey; toPubkey: PublicKey }

    Withdraw stake instruction params

    Type declaration


    LAMPORTS_PER_SOL: 1000000000 = 1000000000

    There are 1-billion lamports in one SOL

    MAX_SEED_LENGTH: 32 = 32

    Maximum length of derived pubkey seed

    PACKET_DATA_SIZE: number

    Maximum over-the-wire size of a Transaction

    1280 is IPv6 minimum MTU 40 bytes is the size of the IPv6 header 8 bytes is the size of the fragment header

    PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH: 32 = 32

    Size of public key in bytes

    SOLANA_SCHEMA: Map<Function, any>
    STAKE_CONFIG_ID: PublicKey

    Address of the stake config account which configures the rate of stake warmup and cooldown as well as the slashing penalty.


    Type declaration

    • Readonly JSON_RPC_SCAN_ERROR: -32012
    StakeAuthorizationLayout: Readonly<{ Staker: { index: number }; Withdrawer: { index: number } }>

    An enumeration of valid StakeAuthorizationLayout's

    VERSION_PREFIX_MASK: 127 = 127
    VOTE_PROGRAM_ID: PublicKey
    VersionedMessage: { deserialize: any; deserializeMessageVersion: any }

    Type declaration

    • deserialize:function
      • Parameters

        • serializedMessage: Uint8Array

        Returns web3.VersionedMessage

    • deserializeMessageVersion:function
      • deserializeMessageVersion(serializedMessage: Uint8Array): number | "legacy"
      • Parameters

        • serializedMessage: Uint8Array

        Returns number | "legacy"

    VoteAuthorizationLayout: Readonly<{ Voter: { index: number }; Withdrawer: { index: number } }>

    An enumeration of valid VoteAuthorization layouts.


    • clusterApiUrl(cluster?: Cluster, tls?: boolean): string
    • Retrieves the RPC API URL for the specified cluster


      • Optional cluster: Cluster
      • Optional tls: boolean

      Returns string

    • export_default(input: RequestInfo, init?: any): Promise<nodeFetch.Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo
      • Optional init: any

      Returns Promise<nodeFetch.Response>

    • Send and confirm a raw transaction

      If commitment option is not specified, defaults to 'max' commitment.


      Returns Promise<TransactionSignature>

    • deprecated

      Calling sendAndConfirmRawTransaction() without a confirmationStrategy is no longer supported and will be removed in a future version.


      Returns Promise<TransactionSignature>

    • Sign, send and confirm a transaction.

      If commitment option is not specified, defaults to 'max' commitment.


      Returns Promise<TransactionSignature>

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